We want to answer any questions that you may have about our new online gaming program. Below are several questions we get all the time, see if they help. If you still have a question that needs to be answered please reach out to support@snapsoccer.com
1. How much does Snap Soccer eGaming cost? Is it a one-time or recurring fee?
Answer: Snap Soccer eGaming has an annual fee of $20. This will give players access to our 9 part course, community, and free entry to our weekly Standard Tournaments.
2. What do I need in order to play?
Answer: Players will need either a Xbox One or Playstation 4, Xbox Live or Playstation+, and the most current versions of FIFA.
3. Why do I need a twitch account?
Answer: We plan to stream all semi final and championship games on the Snap Soccer twitch feed. Snap Soccer eGaming feels that streaming the games makes them more prestigious due to the audience watching.
4. Can I win prizes?
Answer: Yes, our monthly Premium Tournaments will provide prizes for finalists and champions. Prizes include but are not limited to cleats, Snap Soccer eGaming swag, jerseys, gift cards, and more. Also, please note that winning Standard Tournaments provides players free entry to our Premium Tournaments.
5. Are the tournaments divided up into different skill levels?
Answer: This concept is very similar to club soccer. During the course, players will be asked to note their FIFA skill level, from there we will do our best to bracket accordingly. If enough players sign up for a specific event, we will divide based on skill level. If we have one large tournament, we do our best to distribute the skill levels throughout.
6. Do I have to be a member of a soccer club or team to join?
Answer: No, the only requirement we have is that the player is 18 or younger. At this time we do not have an adult FIFA league.
7. My soccer club doesn’t have a Pro Club team. Can I make one for them?
Answer: Yes you can, we recommend the player or a parent reach out to their coach or club director to get one initiated. Also, please note that we will have a system for “free agents” to join another clubs’ teams.
8. What are the rules?
Answer: The rules can be found in the second section of the course. If you have any questions about the rules prior to joining please reach out to support@snapsoccer.com
9. Are matches moderated?
Answer: Most matches are not moderated by an administrator. The rules in section two detail what is and is not allowed in game chat as well as our community communication. We encourage and expect the utmost sportsmanship from our competitors. Also, please note the game chat is not required between competitors and that all community chat can be seen by administrators.
10. What happens if my opponent is bullying or using bad language?
Answer: If this happens in game it needs to be reported to one of the tree administrators. From there we will reach out to said perpetrator and issue and initial warning depending on the severity of the case. In most instances all players will receive one warning prior to group removal.
11. I’m the director of a club. Can I set up a club team on FIFA 20 and have players in our club play for it?
Answer: Absolutely! Please reach out to support@snapsoccer.com.
12. Is there an age range or limit?
Answer: Yes, at this time the age limit is 8-18
Again, if your questions still remains unaswered, please reach out to support@snapsoccer.com