Snap Soccer Futsal – FAQs

Snap Soccer does not allow mixed association guest players based on standards from major youth soccer sanctioning bodies.  


This means that US Club Soccer teams may only take guest players registered under US Club Soccer, and USYS teams may only take guest players registered with properly stamped USYS player pass cards. 


Mixed rosters with player passes from different organizations will not be accepted at any Snap Soccer event. 


All guest players are expected to have a proper loan form even if it is not requested by event staff. Please see below. 



  • US Club Guest Player Loan Form 
  • USYS Guest Player Form – please contact your state association (ASA, LSA, FYSA, etc.) 


Always refer to the Event Rules to review Guest Player requirements or limitations. 


Do I need Player Cards and a official roster?
Nope, all you need is a completed Snap Soccer Waiver. This will be used as your roster.

What do I need for check-in and how do I complete check-in?
You will need one of the completed waivers above and some sort of age verification. Player cards are preferred but not required. Review the specific registration site to determine how to complete check-in. Most events do all online check-in.

Do I need an official roster and player cards from my club?
Nope, all you need is the Snap Soccer waiver and some sort of age verification.

Do we need uniforms?
Some sort of matching shirt is needed. It doesn’t have to be an official shirt of any kind. You can go to your closest store and pick up the needed amount.

Do my uniforms need numbers?
Nope, not needed. If you can have them great, but don’t stress it.

Can I add players last minute?
Yes, futsal events are pretty flexible. With that being said the last-minute adds need to be on your roster and that roster needs to be sent to the tournament director. In any case, reach out to the tournament director to determine the process.

What shoes do the players wear?
Tennis shoes, indoor soccer shoes, sneakers… cleats! Furthermore, the selected shoe should not have a red bottom, this scuffs most courts.

What is the game format?
Two twenty-minute halves, 5v5 (one goalie, four field players). Rules can be found here.

Are there awards for the players?
Each event varies, but usually, futsal events provide one award for the Champion and Finalist of each division.