AfterCam: Capturing Your Best Highlights

Snap Soccer does not allow mixed association guest players based on standards from major youth soccer sanctioning bodies.  


This means that US Club Soccer teams may only take guest players registered under US Club Soccer, and USYS teams may only take guest players registered with properly stamped USYS player pass cards. 


Mixed rosters with player passes from different organizations will not be accepted at any Snap Soccer event. 


All guest players are expected to have a proper loan form even if it is not requested by event staff. Please see below. 



  • US Club Guest Player Loan Form 
  • USYS Guest Player Form – please contact your state association (ASA, LSA, FYSA, etc.) 


Always refer to the Event Rules to review Guest Player requirements or limitations. 


Whether you’re a parent trying to film your kid’s surprise when he opens up the new toy he wanted, or you’re the videographer of all of your kid’s sports games, what if you had an app that eliminated the minutes of unnecessary footage when all you wanted was that 10-second highlight? Imagine not needing to edit hours of sports videos and moments with the family to free up precious space on your camera roll… Let’s be honest, most of us don’t want to deal with the hassle of combing through all of the videos on our phones in order to find those few post-worthy moments. That’s why AfterCam has solved all of your video-highlighting needs.

AfterCam is an app that allows you to continually film a scene without saving it to your phone. Once you get that perfect moment, you hit a button which saves the last 5, 10, or 20 seconds of footage to your camera roll. Now, all you’re watching is the perfect highlight that would have taken you more than a push of a button to capture if you weren’t using AfterCam.

This app is incredibly user-friendly, and the dual-sided control panel allows you to use either hand to press the timer buttons. You can also press the camera button to take still shots during the video. Even better, AfterCam will not save a video or picture until you tell it to. If you realize that the last five minutes of Johnny’s soccer game didn’t result in any game-winning goals, you can discard the footage while you’re in the app.

You can be the Steven Spielberg of your family in three easy steps:

  1. Download AfterCam here: 
  2. When you know a great moment is about to happen, open AfterCam and aim it at the scene (the red blinking light will let you know it’s recording).
  3. Press the 5, 10, or 20 second button to save the wanted footage to your camera roll after it’s already happened.

If you’re not convinced yet, try it out! We’d love to see what amazing highlights you’re able to get using AfterCam.