So You’re the Soccer Team Manager

Snap Soccer does not allow mixed association guest players based on standards from major youth soccer sanctioning bodies.  


This means that US Club Soccer teams may only take guest players registered under US Club Soccer, and USYS teams may only take guest players registered with properly stamped USYS player pass cards. 


Mixed rosters with player passes from different organizations will not be accepted at any Snap Soccer event. 


All guest players are expected to have a proper loan form even if it is not requested by event staff. Please see below. 



  • US Club Guest Player Loan Form 
  • USYS Guest Player Form – please contact your state association (ASA, LSA, FYSA, etc.) 


Always refer to the Event Rules to review Guest Player requirements or limitations. 


Soccer Team Manager? The parent that has all the answers to everything… I’m joking of course. Here at Snap Soccer we know exactly how tough it can be as well as how many hours go into making sure your team is taken care of. Trust us when we say that every Coach, DOC, and Tournament Director appreciate Team Managers, especially the managers that pride themselves on their organization and knowledge of how the process of attending a tournament works.

Snap Soccer has been running soccer tournaments for 8 years, a lot has changed in the process of running the event, but we’ve notice a lot of the issues that managers encounter have stayed consistent. Things such as field locations, registration fee’s, and check-in materials always seem to be problematic, even for the most organized manager. For this, we have a few recommendations.

Once your team has registered for a tournament, make sure to be aware of all of the following: tournament fee’s, Payment deadline’s, venues, rules, check-in requirements, and check-in times/location. Tournament fee’s, payment deadlines, and Venues are most the time located on the tournament homepage. If you can’t find this information easily, we recommend emailing the tournament director and inquiring about the information. Rules should be found on a specific document page and/or also located on the homepage. Once you locate the rules make sure to read them thoroughly to figure out game lengths, tie breakers, guest players, etc. You will want to be very familiar with the rules, just in case. You can also normally find all the check-in information you’ll need in the rules. This will include everything you’ll need for check-in as well as the check-in time and location. Check-In location and time are very important with more and more tournaments eliminating Saturday morning check-In. We are seeing several tournaments nowadays switching to Friday night check-in’ or online only check-in. If you are familiar with the items listed above that is a great start. But know tournaments can prove to be very tough for first time or experienced managers. To make things easier, Snap has created a guide to get you through a tournament weekend. This was built just for you, the soccer team manager!

You can download the Managers Guide to a Tournament Weekend by clicking here. Let us know if you think we are missing anything that would be helpful to a manager in this guide. Your feedback is always appreciated.