Snap Soccer Partners with ASF’s Alabama State Games Summer Soccer Tournament

Snap Soccer does not allow mixed association guest players based on standards from major youth soccer sanctioning bodies.  


This means that US Club Soccer teams may only take guest players registered under US Club Soccer, and USYS teams may only take guest players registered with properly stamped USYS player pass cards. 


Mixed rosters with player passes from different organizations will not be accepted at any Snap Soccer event. 


All guest players are expected to have a proper loan form even if it is not requested by event staff. Please see below. 



  • US Club Guest Player Loan Form 
  • USYS Guest Player Form – please contact your state association (ASA, LSA, FYSA, etc.) 


Always refer to the Event Rules to review Guest Player requirements or limitations. 


Snap Soccer is thrilled to announce a new partnership with the Alabama Sports Festival (ASF) Foundation for the 2023 Alabama State Games Soccer Tournament. The event will take place in Birmingham, Alabama on June 10-11, 2023 and registration is open to teams from Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi*.

Since its inaugural games in 1983 with 600 athletes competing in only four sports, the Alabama State Games program has grown significantly under the umbrella of the ASF Foundation and has committed to supporting the Games which now host thousands of athletes annually with 20+ individual and team sports.

“The ASF Foundation is proud to partner with Snap Soccer for the 2023 Alabama State Games. Snap Soccer has a stellar record of well-attended and precisely run soccer tournaments throughout the Southeast,” says Director of Operations, Kelly Kahumoku. “We are excited about this new partnership and confident it’ll result in the very best possible soccer experience for our athletes this June in Jefferson County.”

Snap Soccer, a soccer tournament management company, now manages 30+ youth soccer tournaments annually in the Southeast US. The company is excited to develop its new partnership with ASF and the AL State Games crew to provide a great soccer tournament experience for attending teams.

“Snap Soccer is thrilled to partner with the Alabama State Games. We are honored to be a part of such a prestigious program and event. This is a unique opportunity for us and we are very excited to hit the ground running!” says Snap Soccer’s Operations Director, Zack Touchstone. “The ASF Foundation is a fantastic organization and a great partner to each community it works with. We are honored to be able to partner with them!”

This event is a qualifying event for the 2024 State Games of America. Any athletes that place will have the opportunity to compete in the 2024 State Games of America hosted in San Diego, California. Visit the State Games of America website for more information and to get registered for #SGA2024.
To learn more or register for the Alabama State Games 2023 Soccer Tournament, please visit

Snap Soccer was founded in 2010 and now runs 30+ youth soccer events annually in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Georgia generating over $25 million a year in economic impact.

The Alabama Sports Festival (ASF) Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization founded in 1982 at the request of the U.S. Olympic Committee and is a charter member of the National Congress of State Games. In addition to developing the State Games, the foundation also serves as a statewide mentor organization for teaching youth the importance of academics, healthy lifestyles, and good citizenship. The Alabama State Games started in 1982 as part of a nationwide network and has since grown to host thousands of athletes annually with 20+ sports.

*An agreement exists between states that have State Games, i.e. Georgia, Florida and Mississippi, that teams will not replace participation in their State Games with participation in the Alabama State Games, but can participate in both.